Its my first ever “outfit of the day” [and I promise, it’s also my last] but I just had to show my great Po.P-long[under]pants and my sweater. Can you actually believe that they are named/called longpants[or longunderpants] in english? It's almost as beautiful as our swedish word for it.. Långkalsonger! I doubt anyone in UK would know what I was talking about if I told them that I was wearing longpants, it's quite funny! Well, im not gone walk around like this to day, just had them while driving mom to town… guess people would really look if I came walking like this! I would like to see peoples faces when they saw me!
From one thing, to another: Do you ever get a feeling that your outside your own body? Or almost atleast... ;like your looking at yourself in a strange way? Today while driving hom from town that feeling got over me... And I couldn't shake it off.. I feelt really uncomfortable and like something bad was gone happen... Luckly enough, it didn't but I can't help it.. still I feel kind of weird and can't really forget about it...
Okey I feel like I need to explain why Im suddenly writing in english.. A friend convinced me to write in english so that he could follow my life from France… well my english isn’t nearly as good as my swedish and there are some thoughts I might have a hard time putting in to words in english.. and im sometimes have to use a dictionary… But here I am, so Vianney: You better read every single “article”, and also u have to forgive me because I know Im sometimes gone break my promisse to you and write in swedish.. but im trying, okej? Trying..
Well guess the storm is really on it's way now.. quite windy.. and the rain won´t stop pouring down.. it's kind of cozy when your inside tho!
Work tomorrow, and the hole weekend... So all you people with "9-5 and monday-friday"-schedule.. enjoy your weekend!
Pst: I apologies for any grammatic, or spelling, mistakes!
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